Dear valued clients
On this Good Friday, we thank you for your love and support and we wish you all a safe and fun spring break. Please let us know all the fun places you and your families are headed.
We’ve been quite busy here at LendAPI delivering new and exciting features, upgrades. Crushing bugs as usual and improving our product with your valuable feedback. Please keep them coming.
With our platform incrementing into v1.9.x, we have a big focus on merchant onboarding and merchant functionalities. Many of our clients are in the point of sale financing space and onboarding their partners is a critical part of what they do. In addition to LendAPI powering their Apply Now button, they also want us to power their Join Us button and we listened.
Other platforms include security and audit updates. We engaged Secureframe and Johanson Group LLP in separate announcements to complete our SOC 2® automation and audit. We are excited to complete this task in 2024.
As always, LendAPI is a free, no obligation sign up process at app.lendapi.com/signup. No credit card or payment method is required. We also made our international client signup process easier. You won’t get haggled with sales emails or calls. (maybe you will from me. haha)

We appreciate your feedback as always. Here are some key features in last week’s product update.
LendAPI Merchant Onboarding
We’ve expanded how you onboard a merchant. In addition to adding a merchant from your admin dashboard. You can now use a Product Builder styled Merchant Onboarding Builder to build your own Merchant onboarding experience.
You can find this new builder in Settings → Product and click on “Add Tenant Onboarding”

You can now build your own “Join Us” path or what we call tenant onboarding process just like how you’ve been using it to design your client onboarding process. We think you will love this new builder. Once you’ve saved your Tenant/Merchant onboarding process, you can hot link the URL to your own website. We are happy to assist you with it.

The Tenant/Merchant Onboarding builder is available in our Platinum Edition of the platform. You can still use the manual onboarding process from the admin panel for all other editions.
LendAPI Platform
We’ve copyrighted our source code in anticipation for key partner integrations.
LendAPI Product Builder Update
Fixed various bugs. See Bug Squad section
LendAPI Credit Decision Engine Update
No changes
LendAPI Workflow Orchestration Platform
We implemented a workflow where clients can charge applicant a fee before the loan is fully approved/commenced.
LendAPI Third Party Integration
Plaid CRA Widget is integrated and live on Product Builder.

LendAPI Bug Squad
We fixed an issue during the signup process where our internal folks aren’t being notified. Trust me, I blew a gasket. But it’s all fixed now. We, again, have to thank our clients to uncover this one.
We also fixed another bug with an Auditor Role can’t login. It has been resolved.
We resolved an issue around Agreements in our Personal Loans product type in Product Builder
We resolved an color issue on upload doc button in Product Builder
We resolved an issue where the last page of the loan agreement is not showing.
About LendAPI
LendAPI is a DIY digital onboarding platform with a fully customizable product builder and an integrated graphical Decision Engine. LendAPI’s application workflow, sub-tenant management, third party integrations plus customer portal and communication methods is a complete end to end solution. It’s free to sign up at app.lendapi.com/signup.